Sunday, March 30, 2014



                   Organic compounds of Hydrogen and Carbon are known collectively as hydrocarbons.
                   Carbon has valance of 4, hydrogen is mono-valant. therefore one atom of carbon can combine with four atom of hydrogen.

Saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons compounds:

                      when all the carbon atoms "bonds" are used to hold other atoms,the compound is said to be "standard".
                      Similarly a compound witch dose not have all the carbon atoms up by other atoms is said to be "unsaturated".
                     Unsaturated compounds will have at least one double bond. there are millions of different ways in witch carbon and hydrogen atoms can be connected  together to form hydrocarbon molecules.  to help describe these in a systematic way, science has classified hydrocarbons into various families depending on their molecular structure  in petroleum chemistry.

Hydrocarbons are classed primarily into four groups:

1. Paraffins      - saturated
2.Naphthenes   - saturated
3.Olefins          -Unsaturated
4.Aromatics     -Unsaturated

Types of HPM I/O Processor

                                                HPM  I/O Processor Types 

  1. Analog Input- High Level (16 points)
  2. Analog Input- Low Level (08 points)
  3. Analog Output (08 points)
  4. Analog Output (16 points)
  5. Digital Input (32 Points)
  6. Digital Input Sequence of Events (32 points)
  7. Digital Output (16 points)
  8. Digital Output (32 points)
  9. Low level multiplexer (32 points)
  10. Pulse Input (08 points)
  11. Smart Transmitters Interface (16 points)
  12. Serial Interface (32 points)
  13. Serial Device Interface (16 points)

DCS Digital counts value

                                               DCS Digital counts value 

Output word size               Zero scale                 Full scale 

     12 Bits                               0                           4095
     13 Bits                               0                           8191
     14 Bits                               0                           16,383
     15 Bits                               0                           32,767


                                                     CRUDE OIL:

              Crude oil is the principle source of hydrocarbons. it is a varying mixture of hydrocarbons , ranging from very light gases such as methane and ethane down to very happy products such as furnace oil and asphalt.

            The quality of the crude varies from place to place of origin. crude oil are classified since recent times on the basis of their API gravity and sulphur content. generally the higher the API gravity(or lighter the crude ) the more distillate products it contains and higher is its value.

             Sulphur is a significant factor in the cost of crude oil and it is an impurity. the sulphur content in the petroleum products is restricted under products specifications. processing high sulphur crude means , that the investment and operating cost are high.


  1.  GAS                                                                             1 TO 4    Carbons
  2. Virgin Naphtha/ straight run gasoline                             4 TO 12  Carbons
  3. Distillats (Kero-diesel)                                                  10 TO 18 Carbons
  4. Gas oil                                                                         14 To 22  Carbons
  5. Lube oil distillate                                                         16 TO 26 Carbons
  6. Residium (Reduced crude, heavy fuel, asphalt etc...)       26+         Carbons


  1. Gases
  2. Liquefied petroleum gas -LPG
  3. Naphtha
  4. Aviation turbine fuel -ATF or ATK
  5. Mineral turpentine oil -MTO
  6. Kerosene
  7. Diesel oils 
  8. lube oils(many variables )
  9. Furnace/ fuel oil
  10. Asphalt
  11. Sulphur
  12. Wax
  13. Coke