- Null (NULL)
- AND Gate (AND)
- OR Gate (OR)
- NOT Gate (NOT)
- NAND Gate (NAND)
- NOR Gate (NOR)
- XOR Gate (XOR)
- Qualified OR Gate with 2 inputs On (QOR2)
- Qualified OR Gate with 3 inputs On (QOR3)
- Compare Equal with Deadband (EQ)
- Compare Not Equal with Deadband (NE)
- Compare Greater then with Deadband(GT)
- Compare Greater then or Equal with Deadband(GE)
- Compare Less then with Deadband(LT)
- Compare less then or Equal with Deadband(LE)
- Fixed size bulse(PULSE)
- Pulse with maximum Time Limit(MAXPULSE)
- Pulse with Minimum Time Limit(MINPULSE)
- Delay(DELAY)
- On Delay(ONDLY)
- Off Delay(OFFDLY)
- Watchdog Timer(WATCHDOG)
- Flipflop(FLIPFLOP)
- Change Detect(CHDETECT)
- start
- log in- administrator
- LCN P windows status under status column power-ON wait for 2 min
- open native windows
- select Load button on right corner screen
- screen will show WN 1,2,3........ then type N then press enter
- wait 1 min
- system status will be on screen
other option
- start - enter
- select program
- select Honeywell TPS
- select native window
- select control
- then load
screen will show WN 1,2,3........ then type N then press enter
then screen will show OPR, UND X.. then type O then press enter
load in progress wait for 2min